Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Entry #24 "Abigale June & Sabrina"

This is Abigale June & Sabrina
I have entered Abigale June the Yorkshire Terrier and Sabrina the Schnautzer
~ Dolores

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Entry #23 Angel & Kozzie

This is Angel & Kozzie

"I had this photo up at the groomer's shop and it was stolen due to it's "cuteness".

~ Carol

Entry #22 Lord Pippin'

This is Lord Pippn'

Entry #21 "Itsey Star"

This is Itsey Star

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Entry #20 "KoKo"

This is KoKo

"Hello, this is KoKo, my lil angel"

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Entry #19 "Bleu & Giallo"

This is This is Bleu & Giallo

"On their honeymoon first time together. My name is Victoriaon their honeymoon first time together".

- Victoria

Enjoy Family & Pet Fun!

Orlando's Cutest Pet Contest:

Win a $50 gift card and bragging rights for the year

The voting is over and the winner is....

the winner will be selected Satruday December 16 at Pets Fest 2006 at 5pm